Summer 2020
A Return to Antibes – Ready or Not

July 13, 2020
As the pandemic continues to mushroom and borders come cautiously down, we wave au revoir to a quiet, socially-distanced life in Toronto and thank our lucky stars as we return to Bellevue, our summertime home in France’s Côte d’Azur. French Lessons returns – ready or not.
continue readingSeeing blue: July 2020 in the Côte d’Azur

July 20, 2020
What’s life is like in the Côte d’Azur during this extraordinary 2020 season? French Lessons readers want to know. To answer travelers’ queries, or to bring the season closer to francophiles around the globe, we offer a glimpse of the area from our first days back.

July 31, 2020
Antibes is the lucky new owner of four, long-lost parchments from the princely House of Grimaldi. French Lessons is the first visitor to glimpse these priceless pieces of heritage – decorative 14th-century documents, negotiated between princes and an antipope, and now on display at the city’s Archives Municipales.
continue readingChez Mirazur: French Gastronomie with a teen

August 13, 2020
Once we’d confirmed our flight to the Côte d’Azur this strange summer, our next call was to Mirazur. Miraculously – at least by last season’s standards – the world’s #1 restaurant had space. Two adults, and a teenager, pull up chairs at a celebrated table.
continue readingLESSONS FROM A PADDLEBOARD: The Riviera’s 2020 Season

August 25, 2020
Gliding over Antibes’ bay on a paddleboard, French Lessons sizes up the unusual 2020 season. The pandemic may have deflated the Côte d’Azur’s legendary froth, but in these waters the spectacular and the princely still mingle among simple pleasures and a renewal of humanity.
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